NAME OF PROJECT: "Small Steps, Big Impact! Multipliers Youth for Human Rights Education in Action
PARTNER ORGANIZATION: Udruženje Građana Mreža
exchange "Small Steps, Big Impact! Youth for Human Multipliers Rights Education in Action "is designed to enable its participants to acquire and share ideas, concepts and strategies of education for human rights. The project will offer the opportunity to discuss and experience the meaning of human rights in a relaxed and non-formal, with the backdrop of a country that experienced a war just over 16 years and now headed towards European integration. In the longer term, it is intended that participants in this exchange can become multipliers of human rights education through the sharing of knowledge and experiences with their peers.
The objectives of this project will be achieved through:
- workshops about human rights, citizenship, democracy, discrimination and xenophobia, gender equality, etc.
- a street survey in Kljuc, prepared and carried out by the participants;
- an awareness campaign among the local population;
- footage and a video montage on the activities undertaken during the project;
- Kljuc and visits to Banja Luka;
- nights and intercultural themes.
Open map
DATE: 21 a July 31, 2011
PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia and Turkey
AGE: 18 to 25 years
TEAM: 5 (1 Monitor + 4 participants)
COST OF REGISTRATION: € 180 (includes travel, accommodation, meals, taxes and travel insurance)
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 6, 2011 (LCA advises that the registration be made as soon as possible and not left to the deadline)
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