Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chest Pain And Bloody Nose

Brno, Czech Republic

NAME OF PROJECT: "Living in a Colourful World"
PARTNER ORGANIZATION: European Youth Center Břeclav - Team Group Oshumaré

The project was inspired by this exchange on intercultural / interaction between different cultures in the world today, paying special attention to cultural diversity and the unusual experiences they bring.
will be focused on stereotypes and prejudices associated with certain nationalities or groups of people by creating some "unusual experiences" so that, later, the group can reflect and draw conclusions. So, you can go against the main objective of this exchange: combating intolerance and recismo enhance the value of tolerance and solidarity among young people, and find ways of coexistence of different cultures in European society.
The program includes workshops on multiculturalism, conferences with experts and subsequent discussions with them, cultural visit to Brno Romani museum and a workshop of Afrodance, meetings with people from minorities, workshops of artistic expression and a cultural night.

Open map

is advised that participants are motivated to the themes of active citizenship and intercultural dialogue.

DATE: 8 a July 15, 2011
PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic and Turkey
AGE: 18 to 26 years
TEAM: 5 (1 Monitor + 4 participants)
COST OF REGISTRATION: € 184 (includes travel, accommodation, meals, taxes and travel insurance)
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 14, 2011 (the LCA advises that the registration be made as soon as possible and not left to the deadline)


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