Saturday, March 26, 2011

How Long To Take Levaquin For Sinusinfection

spring back to black

I finished it a few days ago, on Tuesday had a public release, but that black, gave it to photograph until today.

It was my MUST HAVE, I really miss him, a small, simple and yet elegant black kardiganu. Immodestly say that it is PERFECT.

yarns: Artesano alpaca, 4 skeins (the last bit was). The yarn is wonderful, soft, slightly fluffy, resilient, very pleasant to the knitting and wearing.

size: xs
wires: KP 3 mm and 2.75 mm Addi
inspired by making this sweater Audrey in Unst. But just inspired, because ..... in the meantime, I deleted a pattern from your computer and could only rely on memory ..... Instead

przekręconych puller with mesh, I do not like, I made a plain 2x2 rib. Unknown number of rows. Do not want to indentation at the waist, with wide ribbing because I find it unnecessary. The neckline finished with the same method as in Audrey, namely the i-cord bind off. Hose done by summary rows (I remain in awe.)

Since gładziutki sweater is, without any decorative patterns, in the work of fell into it, to ennoble it differently. Sewed on the fronts, in a rather chaotic way, a lot of beads, such ordinary, haberdashery. Grey matte and glossy black. I think the 4 red:)

Small zoom.

And finally, a little surprise ....
gave the eyes a rest from contact lenses and has invested the new glasses ...

On the occasion of a curiosity, probably getting old, because my vision correction withdraws:) I used to wear now only -3.75 and -2.


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